Text About It is a free and anonymous text support service for moments when you are struggling with drug use and need support to get to a calmer place. Text HELLO to 50808 to start a conversation, any time - day or night.
If your life is at imminent risk, please call 999 immediately.
What is Drug dependence?
If someone is dependent on drugs, it means they feel like they need to take drugs in order to be able to function. It's important to know that there is help out there for people who are dealing with drug dependency.
If there is a drug emergency such as an overdose, call 999 or 112 straight away, and be honest with the medics about what they have taken - they are there to help.
Signs of Drug dependence
The most obvious sign that you (or someone you know) is misusing substances is the feeling that you must have it to cope, function or survive. There are other signs - listed below. You may have some of the signs and not others. These signs can also be caused by other factors: talking to a doctor is the best way to find out if you have a problem.
Psychological signs:
Using drugs to forget your problems
Withdrawing from your family and friends or keeping your drug use a secret from them
Your drug use is affecting relationships - with family, friends or boyfriends/girlfriends
Losing interest in activities that used to be important
Having problems at work, school or college because of your drug use
Spending all your time with people who use drugs
Spending a lot of time planning how to get drugs
Owing money because of your drug use
Thinking about stealing so that you can afford to buy drugs
Not being able to stop taking drugs, even though you have tried
Mood swings, anxiety or depression can be linked to drug use
Physical signs of dependency:
Changes in sleeping patterns - finding it very difficult to get to sleep or sleeping unusual hours
Feeling shaky, with flu - like symptoms or feeling sick when you try to stop taking the addictive substance
Needing to take larger amounts of the substance to get the same effects
Losing a lot of weight or putting on a lot of weight
What do do if you feel you have a drug dependency
If you have questions or concerns about your drug use it’s important to share this with someone. This could be with a partner, family member or friend. Having support around you can be a boost if you go on to get treatment. Talking to your GP may be a positive next step as they can recommend treatment or counselling services near you.
If you're not ready to speak to someone you know, there are support organisations who can help you. If you would like free, anonymous support, you can text HELLO to 50808 to speak to a volunteer. We are available at any time, day or night.